Gonette Caparros
REALTOR®, Seniors Real Estate Specialist®

Gonette Caparros
REALTOR®, Seniors Real Estate Specialist®

Licensing: SL3339345

For over 30 years I worked with “Seniors” as a Physical Therapist. Ten, of which, were in the Johns Hopkins healthcare system.

Previously living in Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania with three boys – now adults – caused my husband and I to yearn for a milder climate.

With the experience I have as a physical therapist, and mother, I have gained patience, compassion, integrity and dedication. As a Seniors Real Estate Specialist, I have the knowledge and expertise to counsel you through major lifestyle transitions. I can fully utilize these skills to my customers’ advantage.

If you are thinking of a possible downsizing, starting a fresh lifestyle change in an active adult community, or need extra care, I can help. Please consider this an offer for a free “no obligation” consultation.

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